Sunday, December 13, 2009

Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can't I?


I am a terrible blog-person ;)

But anyway.

So, I'm in England again. Have been since 17th of November :P
But I've been totally wrapped up in myself so I'd forgotten I even had a blog xD

Anyway. Much have happened.

I have seen The Twilight Saga; New Moon two times :P That's what happenes when I get obsessed with stuff :P

Ah well, I can't write down everything that's happened, but of course lots of stuff ;)

Don't ask about todays title btw, I just had the song on my brain :P

On tuesday I have a secret mission. I'll write about it on thursday though (If I can remember I have a blog :P)

I am currently reading the book Looking for Alaska by John Green. It's totally awesome!

Well, I'm gonna go now. But just listen to this! It's so goddamn beautiful it makes me want to cry!!!

Sovereign Light Café <3