Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a move just to stay in the game, I try to stay awake and remember my name

Time goes by so fast!!!!

Friday is my dad's funeral. I find it kind of funny that it's Friday 13th, especially since my dad was supersticious ;)

I am occupied with three things these days.
Firstly, I try to see as many of my friends as possible before returning to England the 17th.
Secondly, I am rereading some of the books in The Twilight Saga. I finished New Moon the other day, and now I'm reading Eclipse. I haven't decided yet if I'll read Breaking Dawn afterwards or not...
Thirdly, I am writing a novel. Or well... There's this thing called NaNoWriMo and the thing is that you should write a story with 50,000 words or more during the month of November. You start the 1st (okay, I started the 5th but I don't think tht matters), and you have to be finished at midnight the 30th. Everybody who finishes are winners!!!

Now, this is not a good thing for me ;)
I stay up all night trying to write. So I am extremely tired. I am also uneasy when I do something apart from writing, because I need to write more :P
And I know that I probbly won't finish anyway, 'cause this is just such a thing I am bound to get tired with after a couple of days. And then I'll feel bad with myself.

But at least I am having fun now :P My story is a quite good one!

Btw, I watched a bit of Monty Python just now, and ooooh I love it <3 Just wanted to randomly tell you that :D

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