Sunday, December 13, 2009

Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can't I?


I am a terrible blog-person ;)

But anyway.

So, I'm in England again. Have been since 17th of November :P
But I've been totally wrapped up in myself so I'd forgotten I even had a blog xD

Anyway. Much have happened.

I have seen The Twilight Saga; New Moon two times :P That's what happenes when I get obsessed with stuff :P

Ah well, I can't write down everything that's happened, but of course lots of stuff ;)

Don't ask about todays title btw, I just had the song on my brain :P

On tuesday I have a secret mission. I'll write about it on thursday though (If I can remember I have a blog :P)

I am currently reading the book Looking for Alaska by John Green. It's totally awesome!

Well, I'm gonna go now. But just listen to this! It's so goddamn beautiful it makes me want to cry!!!

Sovereign Light Café <3

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a move just to stay in the game, I try to stay awake and remember my name

Time goes by so fast!!!!

Friday is my dad's funeral. I find it kind of funny that it's Friday 13th, especially since my dad was supersticious ;)

I am occupied with three things these days.
Firstly, I try to see as many of my friends as possible before returning to England the 17th.
Secondly, I am rereading some of the books in The Twilight Saga. I finished New Moon the other day, and now I'm reading Eclipse. I haven't decided yet if I'll read Breaking Dawn afterwards or not...
Thirdly, I am writing a novel. Or well... There's this thing called NaNoWriMo and the thing is that you should write a story with 50,000 words or more during the month of November. You start the 1st (okay, I started the 5th but I don't think tht matters), and you have to be finished at midnight the 30th. Everybody who finishes are winners!!!

Now, this is not a good thing for me ;)
I stay up all night trying to write. So I am extremely tired. I am also uneasy when I do something apart from writing, because I need to write more :P
And I know that I probbly won't finish anyway, 'cause this is just such a thing I am bound to get tired with after a couple of days. And then I'll feel bad with myself.

But at least I am having fun now :P My story is a quite good one!

Btw, I watched a bit of Monty Python just now, and ooooh I love it <3 Just wanted to randomly tell you that :D

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I try so hard to tell myself that you're gone.

Hiya. It's been a while.

I am back in Sweden.

My dad died yesterday morning, the morning of my sisters 15th birthday. I came home yesterday night. I booked the flight the 26th and hoped that I would reach him in time.

But I said my final goodbye to him today at the hospital. It was so relieveing to see his peaceful face. He's been in so much pain lately, and it's been breaking us all down. He's in peace now, he can't feel the pain anymore.

I will miss him everyday of my life.

I love you dad. Rest in Peace.
4/8-46 - 27/10-09

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


List of what I am going to buy as soon as I get my Pocket Money (which should be any day now!);

1. Fringe Season 1 DVD box - The best series I've seen in a very long time, and I missed so many episodes when Fringe came back after a break that I decided to wait until the box came out instead of watching it and don't get it. And now it's being sold here in England <3

2. Into The Wild - One of my favourite films ever <3 And I don't have it. It's just sooo inspiring and horrible at the same time.

3. Second Hand Clothes - Found this nice 2nd Hand Shop and I really want some stuff they're selling

(4. Noah and the Whale, Peaceful The World Lays Me Down - Their first album. I don't have it, but I'm not sure I am going to buy it this month :P)

And most certainly loooads of other stuff that I don't need. I am quite tempted to getthe DVD boxes of Dexter season 1&2 :D and lots and lots of other DVD's ;)

Hoho, save? Never heard of it :P

Monday, October 12, 2009

Secrecy at it's best.

I am dealing with a very secret thing.
Question is how long I can keep it secret?
Moahaha >:D

It's happeeh stuff anyway :3

I came home from London today. I had a fab time, even though I didn't see Jesse Quin anywhere :P Of course they wouldn't let me in, even if I had a super plan! But oh, I love London and it was an amazing day, and who cares if I didn't meet Jesse? I'll do it another time anyway so :) I can't get hung up on small things like that! I am a lucky person, and I am very happy! HIPPIE POWER :D

Anyway. Would upload loads of pictures, but I don't have the patience. But these few will tell you what I did anyway :)

I really want to tell the secret now :3 But I shan't ;)


Sunday, October 11, 2009

London Calling!

Woho! I'm in london having the time of my life! Haha meeting nice
people everywhere and doesn't want to leave in the morning. Have just
been to Hope and Anchor (outside it anyway), the bar where keane
played their first ever gig! And I have also been to king's cross!
Anyway, I love london.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?

Was there ever such a great poet as William Shakespeare? I think not!

His words have captured my heart and the very core of my being screams for more.

Oh yes, I have just seen Hamlet, and by God it is magnificent beyond belief!

Four hours long and yet I could waste four hours more.

I love it. I love Shakespeake.

(And I love writing like this xD hahaha)


Act III, scene I

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn away,
And lose the name of action.

P.s. I know this by heart which is, I think, very nerdy :P D.s.

I'm still here...

Woah, there's so much going on at the moment that I've completely forgotten to write.

On Saturday I'm going to London. On Sunday, I am going to try and sneak into gig with one of my all time favourite bands Jesse Quin and the Mets. The thing is, you have to be 18+ to get in. I am only 17. But it's worth a try, and if they don't let me in, I can sit outside the door and try and hear something :P And I'll still have an amazing day in London :) Going back home on monday morning. Reality calling :P

And on Wednesday I am going to see one of my other favourite bands Noah and the Whale, which is going to be awesome :) I can't wait!!!

And as you know, my absolute favourite band is Keane. The only band that might be able to even come near them is Kent. A Swedish band I've loved since I was 12/13 (can't remember exactly WHEN I started listening to them), and they've been there through all my crisis in life, the ggod times and the bad. Their lyrics are magnificent and heartbreaking and ahh. I just love them so much.
What sucks though, is that I won't be able to see them play live. It's the 25th/26th of February, and I have to be here then :/ I really want to!!!

Anyway. That's all the band new. I do have some stuff happening in my life as well. Though now I'm too tired to write it down 'cause it's late.

Byebyebye :3

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Maybe it's time to go?

I feel like banging my head against the floor until my head cracks and I can't think anymore. That would be nice.

Oh and by the way, my dad might die tonight.

He's at the hospital trying to survive. The doctors have already pointed out that since it's so bad, they won't do anything if his heart stops beating.

They'll let him go.

My entire family have been there today, some of them will sleep by his side. And here I am stuck, not able to do anything. Not even able to talk to him since he's asleep.

The last time I talked to him was several days ago.

Other than that, I am pretty fucking great!

Can somebody please hit me in the head now? I want to sleep until it's all over. Until everything is over!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Catching up :D

There's much going on in my life...

This friday I donated blood for the first time in my life. Something I've wanted to do for a very long time, but you have to be 17 so it haven't been possible.
There are two reason I've wanted this for quite some time. Firstly and the most obvious maybe, I like the thought of saving lives. That people can live just because I have a needle in my arm for 5 mins and then get something to eat and I'm finished, hardly noticing what I'd just done. It's so simple, and yet almost no one does it!
The second reason is because of my dad. He's dying in cancer, and quite often get blood-transfusions. Without it, he would probably be dead now. And when you yourself get affected by the possitiveness of blood donations, it's almost impossible not wanting to be a help to other people in your situation.

But, on to more happy stuff!

I was in London this Sunday, and met my oldest friend Malisa (aka Balle). We've known each other our whole lives and we've always been together. It was hard for both of us when I moved here.
And this Sunday she came to visit.
Maybe I should mention though that I had perhaps 6 hours to be with her because I had to catch the bus back to sheffield, and we spent like 3½ hours trying to find her hotel and get back to London xD But it was nice and we got to hang out and talk :D

And I can tell you that I'm seriously considering going back this weekend just because I love that feakin' town so much, and I didn't see that much of it this time...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sonnet to those who fight

Woho, the poet in me have created something new ;)
The second Sonnet I've ever written, and the first one I wrote with a friend...
So this might be crap...

Anyway, here's Sonnet to those who fight;

I wished so long for my days to start
To find the one that would be my light
And when I found you, I knew it was right
I knew it deep inside my heart

We had to make sure that it wouldn’t fall apart
Day by day by day we had to fight
Because keeping love burning is an art
Oh and we struggled with all our might

But then you were gone my friend
The time took you, and maybe time will mend
The jokes we shared and the laughter I miss

Maybe some day, I will be able to see
Those memories are good, and free
And I’ll remember with a smile, our first kiss

Hello, Hello, there is no place I can not go.

Sitting in my room, doing nothing.

It's a lovely day outside so I might go out for a walk. But firstly I have to make something to eat.

I want to write something nice on here, but my head is totally empty :S
Haha, I think I'm going crazy sometimes.

By the way, do you know how beautiful Tim Rice-Oxley is? It's unbelievable! Ah, Tim <3

Hihi, I read a thing I'd written in March saying "I wish I could meet Tim sometime. That would be ultimate happiness", and oh I met him i June and yes, it was Ultimate Happiness :D Sometimes dreams can come true :')

Anyway :D I think I'll go for that walk now! Or wait, breakfast first!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Pizza hut

Trying to figure out how to post on the blog via my phone. I'm at
pizza hut at the moment, and they're playing lots of awesome songs on
the radio. I'm so full that I have no idea how i'm going to be able to
get out of here. I can hardly move. Haha, hopefully i'll be able to
post this now. England's still wonderful. I start an arts-course at
collage the 23rd and I look forward to it so much. Okay, gotta go. See
ya :-)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a man?

My God it's been a long time since I wrote here. A bit embarassing when you think of the fact that I've had internet on my laptop for more than a week now.

I've just been either exhausted or haven't had the time. And when I have the time to sit down by the computer, I have to answer all the emails I get, and check out stuff, and then the time's up. And at nights, I am just so tired that I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

But it's fun. I love it here, so I'm not complaining. England is fabulous!

I'm listening at Jesse Quin and the Mets while writing this, and they are so awesome it's unbelievable! And speaking of them, I wonder what they're up to... Their website is filled with questionmarks, Jesse has removed his blog, and Ithink their myspace is fucked up as well! And theyhave weird (but lovely videos) on their facebook. They are very clearly up to something! I hope something exciting :D

I have one friend here in Sheffield so far. Her name's Barbara and she's lovely! We're having so much fun. Went shopping with her yesterday, which ended up with me getting a new pair of jeans, a new shirt and the new 'Noah and the Whale'-CD.
Oh yeah, I am currently in love with NATW!!! They are simply amazing!

Hmm, what more. Oh yeah, I have used up about £300 on stuff already. Most off it on eBay stuff, but also clothes and other stuff I don't need. Although I absolutley love all the stuff I got from eBay. Cool Keane-stuff and a polariod camera and film! Do you have any idea how long I've wanted a polaroid camera? I am sooo happy :)

Oh well, I think that's it. Soon, I have to tidy my room, do the dishes, take care of the laundry and do the ironing... And then I'm picking Naomi up to go swimming.

I love England. I really do!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I haven't updated in ages.

I have a good reason for this though.

I am now in England as an Au Pair. I arrived Friday the 14th. And I've been so so so busy playing with the children and getting to know the town of Sheffiled, that I\ve been exhausted at night, when I could have sit by the computer.
And I don't have internet on my laptop yet.

But I am really really enjoying it here. The children are really really sweet.

Now, I just have to figure out what to give them for tea (dinner)... Not an easy task!

Well, I'll update as soon as I can ;)

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Berlin is AWESOME!!!!

Me and Christa's been running around Berlin like maniacs in Berlin for two days, and I am loving every second of it :D

I'm gonna go to bed now, but hopefully I can write a proper and good blog entry soon ;)

Ì'm quite sad that I have to leave tomorrow (though I leave in 9PM), because I'm havig such a lovely time here with Christa and her dad! Christa's lovely in every single way :D

Okay, so I'm off to bed now!

Night <3

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy birthday dad!

So, today's my dad's 63rd birthday :D

My sis' and her kids are coming here to celebrate, and then I am leaving for the summerhouse :D

And then, the 7th, I'll go to Berlin, and meet my dear friend Christa, which I've never met IRL before, and which will be totally Awesome :D<3

So I am quite excited!!!!

And I'll stay in Berlin until the 9th, and I'll leave quite late :)

and then the 14th, I'll move to England!!!!!
It's only 10 days left!!!

Hoho, creepy ;) ahhh, august's weird!

byebye, donnu when I'll write next time :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Pure Awesomeness #3

Andrew Lloyd Webber ladies and gentlemen!

I have loved Andrew since I was 13, and discovered "The Phantom of the Opera"!
He is such a genious, I absolutley adore him!

I know people think he's a bit weird and after, but oh, such a brilliant mind!

"The Phantom" is still my absolute favourite musical ever, though I am very much in love with "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Evita" also. "Cats" is amazing as well! And I am currently obsessed with the "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat" music.

And everything else he's done is brilliant as well!

I love you Andrew <3

Look out for Pure Awesomeness #4 ;)


Guess what?

I am now a member of Lookbook.

Which I NEVER thought I'd be, and nobody a year ago would have thought possible.

But that site is just INCREDIBLY inspiring, and I just wanna be as cool as the people on the page. Who knows, maybe I'll like fashion more than I could've believed?


If you wanted to know ;)



I'm seventeen, and nothing feels different ;P

Spending time with two of my best friends ever, made me both incredibly happy, but also sad. It's INSANE how much I'll miss them :o

And my other friends too. Pernilla told me she cried for half an hour when I told her, which made me cry as well. And ughhhh.

And Rose-Ann comes home from the Philippines the 8th, and I come home from Berlin late the 9th. Which means I'll meet her the 10th, and then I'll move in 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!

It's only two weeks left now!

Don't get me wrong, I'm still SO DAMN MEGA INCREDIBLE EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I'll still miss my friends a lot, and there's no point denying it :o

I love you guys so much <3

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another cracker with a party hat...


It's my birthday ;)

And my deeeeeear friends Johanna and Malisa's here :D

And it's niceee :P

We're going to eat pizza :D


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Love, maybe you'll feel it too :)


Sitting here in the kitchen with my oldest friend, my darling Malisa <3

We're listening to Keane at the moment, though a lot of great bands have had their time too ;)

We've pretty much been on the run all day. She was going to buy some paint, so we went through all stockholm to get the cheapest, and then we stopped by in town and I bought some jeans and stuff.

And now we're just chilling out here with a cup of tea :)

It's gonna be saaaaaaad to say good bye :o

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I like this picture I made yesterday :P
It's quite poorly done, but I did get satisfied :)


Okay. This is the deal.


It's quite insane, just the thought. I'll live in England in three weeks! OMG!!!

Haha, I'm so happyyyyyyyy!

Though I find it difficult to tell people I'm leavin, because they all get so sad, and that makes me want to cry as well :o

But it's niiice! I have already booked my flights and everything!

Sheffield here I come!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I dreamed a dream.


I must say that I know hope with all my heart that I get to be an Au Pair. I have never wanted to go to England so badly in my whole life!!!

I don't think I'll be able to breathe for that much longer if I don't get to be in England.

I can't say what it is that makes me like this. I don't really know why I love that freakin' country so much.

I just know that I belong there. And my dream is to be there.

I love England with my whole heart.

Please please please let me go there.

(haha, therapy needed?)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trying to make a move just to stay inte the game...


I am happy. Very very happy! :D

I might might might have the chance of becoming an Au Pair in Sheffield soon. The family I'm in contact with is very sweet!

And I also got the keane single Everybody's Changing today :3
I have recently bought a lot on eBay, and only keane-stuff. I am very happy, and my single is beautifuuuul <3

So long, gotta go working soon. (and then I'll be free for 6 days!!!)

... and the Half-Blood Prince! #2


I've seen it.

I loved it.

I cried a lot.


Lived up to my expectations and I am very happy that it did because I usually go home from Harry Potter movies and feel disapponted, but this time I was just happy. I still am. It was great!

And I do love Snape very very much <3

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

... and the Half-Blood Prince! #1


I am going to see Harry Potter within a few hours.

I am so happy I could cry. I've been looking forward to this movie for more than a year!!!

The first trailer was released on my 16th birthday (30th of July, it's my birthday SOON), when the movie was supposed to be released the 21st of November. And then they changed it an all the HP-nerds around the world was VERY upset!

And today, the day is finally here!

I will probably get dissapointed as always, but I don't care.

I'm going to see HARRY FREAKIN' POTTER <3

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bye bye???

Haha. I'm currently very involved with Au Pair buisness :D

Might, might, might happen this autumn. Which would be very awesome!

I really hope so, though I'll have to take a break in my studies and such...

It's an adventure I am very keen to enter :D

Just a hopeless dreamer she said...

"He Used To Be a Lovely Boy" is a very much awesome song. Just had to say that before I wrote something else.

This day has been totally useless. First, I woke up at 12, then I did absolutley nothing until 4PM, when I started working. And I got home 9:30PM after a quite nice but normal day. And then I watched Twilight YET AGAIN. I'm quite ashamed at myself, since I've probably seen it a million times already. Haha, pathetic...

Anyway, now I'm here. I dunno what I'll do.

My days are filled with daydreams really. I want adventures. I want to live in England. That will make me happy!!!

Well. Better do something better than writing uninteresting blog-posts.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pure Awesomeness #2

LYKKE LI my dear friends. LYKKE LI.

She's absolutely Pure Awesomeness.

I adore her.

Just listened through Youth Novels, which I've had on my computer for ages but not really listened too. I LOVED IT. I LOVE LYKKE LI.

Look out for Pure Awesomeness #3...

Many's the time I've ran with you down, the rainy roads of our old town.

Oh yes.

I've been at the summerhouse for a couple of days, and now I'm back.
Not that pleased about it. I have to work tomorrow. Bleh. I'd rather be lazy at the summerhouse doing nothin' but listening to music and read a book or time to time take a swim... but that's over. Better start workin' again.

But now, it's not all bad. I met two of my best friends and went on a walk for a coulpe of hours with them. Malisa just got back from a month-long trip to Thailand. I took loads of pictures, but you'll only get to see a few.

And yeah, I love poladroid.

I love my pals <3

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Le Tim de façon affecte ma santé d'esprit.

Okay, you haven't heard the news? I'm not only a poet in English and Swedish these days. I also write in French.


No, actually, itäs only that I'm obsessed with the language and I'd love to know it. But I don't. So I play with a translating-page, pretending that I'm writing in French though I just translate my English poems.

Here's one, first in French, then in English ;)

Le Tim de façon affecte ma santé d'esprit.

Je pense il y avait un temps,
quand j'étais sain d'esprit.
Et votre présence,
ne m'a pas ennuyé à tout.

Je pense il y avait un temps,
mais je ne peux pas le rappeler maintenant.

Quand votre voix appelle mon nom,
et vos yeux cherchent le mien.
Cela sera le jour que je suis,

Jusque-là mon amour,
je vous regarderai chaque seconde.
Je souhaite avec mon coeur entier,
que vous étiez le mien.

Pas le sien!

Je veux penser que le jour viendra.
J'aimerais croire que vous l'oublierez complètement,
bientôt assez.

Et si ne vous faites pas.
Et ne vous ferez pas probablement.
Je regarderai toujours,
chaque seconde seule.

Je ne peux pas vivre sans mon ange.
Je ne peux pas vivre sans ma vie.

And now the English one;

The way Tim affects my sanity.

I think there was a time,
when I was sane.
And your presence,
didn't bother me at all.

I think there was a time,
but I can’t remember it now.

When your voice calls my name,
and your eyes search for mine.
That will be the day that I'm,

Until then my love,
I'll watch you every second.
I wish with my whole heart,
that you were mine.

Not hers!

I want to think that the day will come.
I'd like to believe that you'll forget all about her,
soon enough.

And if you don't.
And you probably won't.
I'll still be watching,
every single second.

I can't live without my angel.
I can't live without my life.

Oh yeah, it's all about me being a stalker. Hehe, wierd one, written in the middle of the night :P


Ugh, Hi.

I'm having a cold.
Everybody's at the summerhouse.
They went this thursday.
Dad, Mom, Malin & Gordon.
I've got to work, but i'll leave tuesday.
It's just me all by myself.

My best friend ever went to the Filippines today.

I feel... lonely?

Ugh, I should get a life! HAhaha ;) I'm quite pathetic really ;)

I spend all my days with Keane... which is quite nice. But I miss people, even though Rose-Ann was here fro two days. I just miss her so much since she's actually going to be in the Filippines until 8th of August :(

Okay, let's talk about something funny.
Watch this, and I guarantee that you'll laugh. Me and Rose-Ann made this a good-bye thing. And it's a great song too :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Long time, no see ;)

Oh gosh, it's been a really long time since I wrote in this blog!!!

I figure, I kinda' suck. I really love writing in the blog, but I don't do it. Which is only bad for me and no one else... I have to get better!

I'm going to have a really really really hard two weeks now, becuase it's the last day to finish projects, and I have A LOT to do! But when it's over, I have 10 nice weeks of freedom. I can't wait!

Oh, and today, my English teacher told me I will get MVG as my final grade in English A. That's the highest grade in the swedish grading system! I am SO HAPPY :D It was the only grade I really cared about, and I get MVG! Awesome!

Oh, soon it's LOST on tv. Me and my sis' is going to watch it :D


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hell yeah!

Little Miss Sunshine was freakin' awesome!

I love it!

It sure makes it to my list of best movies I've ever seen :D

Little Miss Sunshine


I'm going to watch Little Miss Sunshine in a coulpe of minutes. I haven't seen it yet, though I've heard it's a freakin' awesome film :D

I'll tell you what I thought about it later. I have a feeling I'll like it very much :D

Monday, April 13, 2009


Oh, hi.

Guess I've been away for quite some time ;)
Well I have been busy.

I became an aunt the 1st of April to a beauuuutiful boy called Dexter! I lovelovelove him <3

And I've almosy re-read the whole Twilight Saga (I just have Breaking Dawn Left). I can believe how seriously obsessed I am with that series...

anyway, yesterday I got home from a videogame-con called Versus, and it was pretty Awesome!
I'm not really a videogame person, I don't play at all really :P But the people running versus are my pals, and I thought it was a cool idea. Actually, this wasn't the first Versus I attended. At the end of february was my first time :) It's awesome to hang out with nerds! It's fun and ahh <3 Though I suck at playing videogames. It's just a fun random thing ;)

I'll get better at this blogging thing.

Don't loose hope

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A lot happened today.

I managed to lock my keys inside my locker, including the keys to the locker. So they had to break it :P

And I've watched LOST.

Otherwise, I haven't done anything...

I gave my friend Hanna a movie, and she went very happy :D

Yesterday night, I found a U2/WAR t-shirt in my drawer. It seems like my sis' got it when she was playing bandy, because it says Ericson 5 on the back (argghhh)! It's beauuutiful! I've worn it today :D

The most creepy part about it is that I, earlier that day visited U2's homepage and looked through their merch, and it was exactly THIS shit I thought about buying! Creepy.

Oh, I have to go to sleep now, it's very late and I have school tomorrow ;)

Look out

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am SOOOO angry!!!

There's this TV-show here in Sweden called "Sanningens Ögonblick" (in english: Moment of truth).


The meaning of it is to ask mean questions to people like "Do you love your boyfriend", "Do you think about your ex when you're having sex with your boyfriend" and then they have to answer YES or NO. When they to, a machine that "knows" if you tell the truth or not. And if you've answered "truthfully", you win money!


I haaaate these kind of shows. They should be banned from this plannet forever!
I'm so angry I'm almost crying!

I have avoided this program for a few years, because I've heard what it is about. But my mom and sis' were watching it, and I was to lazy to get out of my chair... And it's even worse than I thought? WHY? WHY DOES THIS CRAP EXIST?

Sorry... just had to whine a bit.

Follow up.

Oh yeah, I told you that Tim Rice-Oxley was pure awesomeness a couple of days ago.

That was even before I'd seen this:

GOD, I love this man! I actually cried when I saw this the first time :P Never thought I'd see the day when Tim'd sit in front of a camera and sing/play! Awesome awesome awesome <3

Saw this Friday, but as you know, I haven't had the time to put it on here before now ;)

'Bob and Pat' :D


Oh, I haven't written in days!

But I've been at one of my best friends' place all weekend. (She's 'Bob and I'm Pat', it comes from us, pretending to be Spongebob and Patrick, lol)

And what an awesome time I've had!
Haha, me and Rose-Ann, Pat' and 'Bob <3>
We dyed our hair, mine is now pink and green, lol! Hers is just pink. And she cut my hair too :P Haha, it was really fun :) And yesterday we went on a crazy adventure, decided 9PM that we'd go to our friend's party. It took more than an hour to get there, and yet another hour to get home again. We arrived back at her place 3AM... hahahah. But we had an awesome time, because the other guests left after a little while so it was just the three of us. So we sat there, drank some coffee, talking and yeah... it was great!
Anyway. That's why I've been away ;) I hope we'll do something like that again :D

Okay, these pics aren't that beautiful because I took them with my new webcam a few hours ago, and uhh, I look weird. But I just thought you'd get to see the pink and green ;) and my beloved hat too ;) The green isn't that obvious in the picture, but... it IS green ;)
I'll write later. I might get an awesome call on skype later ;)

Be cool

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pure Awesomeness #1

Oh yes!

I just wanted you to know that Tim Rice-Oxley is Pure Awesomeness!

It is a fact. He is the songwriter and pianist/keyboardist in Keane. Used to play bass too. Can play guitar too. And he's learning to play harmonica. If you do that, you have to be awesome!

And he looks absolutely gorgeous too.

I love Tim. He's brilliant.

Look out for Pure Awesomeness #2!!!


So, I've lived through another day. Rebel-ish things? I didn't do a shit on my first lesson, I fell asleep during math, and I totally failed on my important test. Good. Or not. I have to work on my rebel-ishness, It's supposed to be cool stuff. Guess that's why I'm spineless though...

Well, enough talk about my blogname.
Weater today: Morning: Sunshine, First lession: Clouds >Snow >Hailstorm >Snow, Rest of the school day: Snow, On our way home: Bright sunshine.
Have I mentioned that Sweden is a weird country? hehe ;)

Well, as promised, I will give you a few photos I've taken today. I have photoshopped all of them, and I'm quiiiiite proud. Judge for yourself!

This one is way cool. Me, Johanna, Me ;)
We found Nicholas Cage, hiding behind the curtain.
Some o my Awesome classmates. Ellinor, Elli, Sofie, Simon and Fredrik.

On my way home. I like this one. Made it look like it's the middle of the night, though it was very sunny in the middle of the day!

Then I took two pictures when I went to babysit.

This looks cool. At least I think so ;)
Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Well, that was my pics. for today.

Now, I'm going to listen to some music, post some wierd stuff on here, and then go to bed.

Take it easy, man


Oh yeah!

I'm in a hurry, because I'm of to babysit now :D

Just had to tell you that THE SUN IS SHINING AGAIN!!! Hahah, the weather is behaving very wierd today ;)

Love it ;D

I actually took a lot of nice pics at school today. I'll show you some when I'm back!

Stay fresh


It's snowing. What can I say...



Now, I'm going to be angry all day!

And I was soooo happy this mornong....


Our teacher is late. YES!

There's almost no use to go to English Class anyway, because we never learn anything new. Our teacher is a very sweet woman, but she is useless as a teacher :P

So I guess I'll just sit here and check out videos on youtube or something.

She's late anyway so ;)

And btw, the sun ain't shining anymore! There's clouds everywhere. Die clouds, DIE!

Don't be an arse



Sitting on my bed in the morning, with my laptop on my knees, listening to Dylan.


Blonde on blonde is great.

Dylan is great.



Uhm. It's morning again. Another day of school. Not that eager.

I'm going to have a test today, which I should have studied for yesterday. I didn't... Ooops ;)

Well, coffee was good anyway. And it's sunny today too, hooraaay!!! That means, the day ain't going to suck completely.

Oh, aren't I pretty :P Love my Harry Potter-mug very much :D

And I am babysitting today, two of the sweetest kids ever! And babysitting means money. I'm going to buy myself a webcam tomorrow with that money. Awesome!

Be nice

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Oh god.

I've become obsessed with shoes. Mostly Nike...

All the blame goes to Mr. Jesse Quin (brilliant musician!). I've been reading his blog lately, and he seems to love trainers. Unfortunately, I've discovered we have pretty much the same taste in clothes/shoes, so I love every single picture of the shoes he puts up on his blog.

Now, I really really want new shoes. Nike shoes. Dang, that is something I can probably not afford.

Just look at these beauties though:

*sighs* I want them... But I'm still serching!!!

If you knew websites/shops with cool, colorful trainers, tell me!!!

Hold on


Maybe you know, Sweden is a cold, horrible country where the snow stays on the ground for months, it's raining all the time and you're alway freezing. If you're lucky, the summers are warm (not that warm). I spend every winter longing for the summer, but this year it's been worse.

I don't think the sun once in all 2009. If it has, it's been for like less than an hour.

Today, the sun shone.

You can't believe how happy I am. According to the weatherman, it's going to shine for like a week or something. Unfortunately, I don't trust the weatherman. Let's hope he's right (or I will hunt him, I swear to God!)

I took this picture this morning, on the train to school. Unfortunately, the batteries in my camera died before I could take better pictures. So this have to be my "first sunshine" pic ;)
(My dear friend Johanna features in it too.)

Don't do drugs

Because I can.


The name is Angelica, and I believe I am slightly Awesome in a wierd, pathetic way.

I live in Sweden, which I hope is a good enough reason for a non-flawless English ;) I know perfectly well that I make a lot of mistakes.

Info... hmm. I'm 16 years old, currently studying to become an author, and I plan to work as a priest when I'm older.

I live in a place called Lidingö, 20 minutes away from central Stockholm (the capital of sweden), I usually say that I live in Stockholm ;)

I'm a nerd. A "books-and-movies" kind of nerd mostly. And I'm proud of it. I also love music. And photography.

I guess you'll get to know me better as you go, if you can stick to me for very long. I'll be trying hard not to be boring, though I can't make promises.

This blog is probably going to be very random, but I think I'll show you a lot of pics I take (I am NOT a professional photographer. I am as much amateur as you can possibly be. But I love it), and me, trying to get better at photoshop. I will also, probably, talk a lot about music.
I am currently obsessed by the Brittish band Keane.

Well, that's all for now. I'll update in no time.

Be Awesome